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Purdue Pharmaceuticals Prioritizes Profits
At Your Cost

The opioid epidemic is a serious problem affecting many people in North America, and Purdue Pharma has played a significant role in contributing to this issue. The company’s overly aggressive promotion of OxyContin, a highly addictive opioid, and its lack of adequate safety information and warning of potential side effects has resulted in addiction, overdose, and even death for many individuals. This project aims to raise awareness about Purdue Pharma’s bad business practices and its involvement in the opioid epidemic, as well as to provide resources for people to learn more about the issue and seek help if needed.

The infographic is to be placed in public settings such as bus stops, community centers and expedition centers. By being in areas that are available to everyone it helps spread the word, and educate people on the dangers of opioids and Purdue’s Involvement.

Impactful posters will be located in places such as doctors offices and addiction centers. Using the same colours and imagery as the other aspects it helps linke the other parts of this project.

Brochures located in doctor’s offices will be available tor patients to read and take home helping spread the word. 

Pill bottle labels to be on prescriptions of oxycontin will help stop addiction before it happens. The pill bottles will give resources to learn of the signs and struggles of addiction by using impactful celebrity deaths.

A digital interactive version of the infographic is available to bring the information to more platforms and spread more information regarding the opioid epidemic. As well the other aspects of this project point towards the Breaking Free app available to help users who struggle with addiction.

I Am Committed
To Helping You.

My goal with this project is to raise awareness about Purdue Pharmaceuticals and the impact of drug addiction. I want to educate the public about the dangers of long-term opioid use and hold the company accountable for their actions. By bringing attention to Purdue Pharma and its prescription practices, I hope to increase awareness about the role of pharmaceutical companies in contributing to the opioid epidemic.

In addition to raising awareness, I aim to highlight resources and support for individuals or families who have been affected by addiction. Using this project I will try to connect people with the resources they need to seek help. By highlighting the issue of opioid addiction and Purdue Pharmaceuticals’ involvement, I hope to contribute to a shift towards greater awareness and action to address the opioid epidemic.

The Tough Pill
We Have To Swallow.

This project goals can pose challenges due to a number of reasons. Firstly, the opioid epidemic is a complex issue that involves several parties including pharmaceutical companies, healthcare providers, law enforcement agencies, and policymakers. It may be difficult to hold Purdue Pharma accountable for its contribution to the epidemic and to bring about significant changes in the industry. Additionally, resistance may be encountered by Purdue when it comes to acknowledging its responsibility.

Dealing with the opioid epidemic requires a long-term all-around approach that entails prevention, treatment, and harm reduction measures. While this project aims to increase awareness and provide resources to prevent addiction, it may also bring touchy subjects that some who encounter this campaign might not want to face.

Shining Lights On The
Opioid Epidemic.

To learn more about the opioid epidemic and Purdue Pharma’s involvement in it, I conducted intense research. I read through several academic articles and reports on the opioid epidemic, the statistics of opioid addiction and the role of pharmaceutical companies in the epidemic.

Through this research I gained several insights into the challenges posed by the opioid epidemic and Purdue Pharma’s involvement in contributing to it. A key finding was the that purdue has a lot of resources and used them to keep themselves out of the spotlight by covering up issues in the media. Another finding was that there needed to be some sort of regulation in the pharmaceutical industry to prevent companies like Purdue from engaging in unethical business practices that put profit over people’s health and safety.

Let's work together to tackle opioid addiction.

The elements in this project worked together to bring attention to the issue of opioid addiction and Purdue Pharma’s involvement in the opioid epidemic.

The brochures and posters used similar colours and designs to create a cohesive visual language that drew attention and familiarity to the pill bottles.

The pill bottle labels and infographics provided information about the risks of opioid addiction and linked users to resources for help.

The use of celebrities who have struggled with addiction helped to humanize the issue and made it more relatable to the target audience. Overall, the elements of the project worked together to create a comprehensive and impactful message.

What I Learned Through This Project

As the Designer of the Purdue Phraud project, I am proud of the work accomplished in creating a design that would bring awareness about the opioid epidemic and Purdue Pharma’s involvement. Throughout this project, I learned how different elements of a project can create a complex yet effective user journey by introducing small fragments of design to a user at a time to persuade them into the path you want them to take. By focusing on the target user I have gained a deep insight into how to properly design for a specific audience whilst using several different design elements. While the opioid epidemic is a complex issue I believe that my project can make a positive effect in the raising of awareness of Purdue Pharma’s unethical business practices

Project Lead:
Kayne Arias 

Doctors Brochure:
Patricia Hicks