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Welcome To The Wolf Pack

We Are The Wolves!

A football team focused on achieving a pack mentality. This team is aspiring to be one with its fans to create a “wolf pack” or a “wolf tribe.” Wolves stick close to one another, care for their young, hunt together even into old age. Based out of Americas capital city it only makes sense that it is the most united and inclusive football team in the nation. Ready to lay down the law and bring justice to the National Football League they are not a force to be reckoned with. Coming out of the gates ready to tear apart the competition it comes down to one simple question..

Are you with us or against us?


We aspire to be welcoming and look out for one another. 

One simple message communicates everything our brand stands for…

We Hunt Together!

We are resilient, unwaveringly dedicated, fierce and hungry for victory. 

We are a team to unite the most passionate fans across the nation.

We strive to combine the passion of old and new football fans alike.

The Washington Wolves aren’t just a sports team. 

We are a pack.

Our Values

Strength in Numbers

The law of the wild. No wolf left behind.

A larger group is better suited to overcome obstacles and achieve goals, whether it’s a 1000 lb moose or the Superbowl it cannot be reached alone. Each and every person makes a difference to our organization, if our team wins, so do you.

Pack Mentality

Hunt together. Play Together. Win Together.

Putting cooperation over individual interests, this team is focused on bringing together Washington sports fans over America’s favourite sport.


No Barriers. No bias.

A team where diversity thrives and exclusion is a thing of the past. One common goal: Win.

Brand Colours

The colours of our team are Twilight Shadow and Silver Moonlight. They are great for our team as they show the spirit of the wolf pack and what our team believes in. Twilight Shadow is dark and mysterious, like how our team sticks together, just like wolves do in the evening. It shows how determined we are to work together and succeed.

Silver Moonlight goes well with Twilight Shadow. It represents teamwork and inclusivity. It shows how we’re all about working together and helping each other out. These colors make our brand strong and show what we stand for, which will motivate our fans and players.


Sofia Pro is the ideal typeface for our brand because it resembles strength, unity, and assertiveness, mirroring the values of our football team. Its bold and rugged appearance reflects the resilience and determination of a wolf pack, while its clean lines convey professionalism and clarity. The typeface’s bold strokes symbolize our team’s commitment to overcoming obstacles together, while its modern and versatile design ensures that our brand message is conveyed effectively across various platforms. With Sofia Pro our brand will stand out as a powerful force in the National Football League, inspiring loyalty and confidence in our fans and stakeholders alike.

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

Sophia Pro Thin

Sophia Pro

Sophia Pro Bold

Sophia Pro Black

Logo Grid System

The decision to utilize a circular grid for our logo design was deliberate, as it embodies key principles of our brand. The circle, a symbol of unity and completeness, reflects the cohesive nature of our team and its commitment to inclusivity. Much like a wolf pack, each member plays a vital role in our collective success.